Various posters – biological monitoring and habitat characterization (Ibiza Martinez-Serrano, Universidad Veracruzano):.Marine Mammal Toxicological Research and Education: Five summers in the Gulf of Mexico in Response to the Deepwater Horizon Disaster (Iain Kerr, Ocean Alliance).Assigning Tursiops Strandings to Stock Using Stable Isotope Ratios (Aleta Hohn, NMFS Beaufort Laboratory).Long-term Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico (Kaitlin Frasier, Scripps Institution of Oceanography).An Apparent Increase in Bottlenose Dolphins in Upper Galveston Bay: City Slickers or Tourists? (Kristi Fazioli, University of Houston – Clear Lake Environmental Institute of Houston).Gulf of Mexico Dolphin Identification System (GoMDIS) – A Collaborative Tool for Bottlenose Dolphin Conservation & Monitoring (Carolyn Cush, Chicago Zoological Society).Distribution of Stranded Bottlenose Dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus) in Alabama Waters from 2004-2013.Modeling West Indian Manatee Movements Informs Space Use Patterns and Phenology in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.Sighting Demographics of the West Indian manatee ( Trichechus manatus) in Alabama and Mississippi waters.
Various posters – species demographics and distribution (Ruth Carmichael and Noel Wingers, Dauphin Island Sea Lab):.Archiving and Accessing a ‘DNA Register’ for Individual Identification and Stock Structure of Sperm Whales in the Gulf of Mexico (Scott Baker, Oregon State University).
Mammal Monitoring for Geological and Geophysical Activities in the Gulf of Mexico (Jennifer Bosyk, Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management (BOEM)). Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) Build-out Plan and Marine Mammal Monitoring (Barb Kirkpatrick, GCOOS). Summary of 2013 Gulf of Mexico Regional Workshops: Cooperative Conservation for Marine Mammals in the Gulf (Laura Engleby, NMFS Southeast Regional Office). Gulf of Mexico Long-Term Monitoring Programs Case Study: Assessment of Marine Mammal Monitoring Programs and Gap Analysis (Libby Fetherston, Ocean Conservancy). Priority Information Needs and Knowledge Gaps – Recent Assessments Commercial Fisheries and Marine Mammal Bycatch in the Gulf of Mexico (Lance Garrison, NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center). Recreational interactions – Growing Threats to Gulf Marine Mammals (Katie McHugh, Chicago Zoological Society/Sarasota Dolphin Research Program). Variability in the Gulf of Mexico’s Marine Acoustic Environment (Chris Clark, Cornell University). Requirements for Epidemiological Studies to Understand Biological and Chemical Effects on Cetaceans (Teri Rowles, NMFS Office of Protected Resources). Understanding Effects of Human Activities Bottlenose Dolphin Health Assessment Studies in the Gulf of Mexico (Lori Schwacke, NOAA National Ocean Service). Bottlenose Dolphin Research on Florida’s West Coast: Four Decades of Research, Five Generations of Dolphins, and Three Generations of Scientists (Randy Wells, Chicago Zoological Society / Sarasota Dolphin Research Program). Overview of Cetacean Stranding Data from the Gulf of Mexico, 2000 – 2014 (Jenny Litz, NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center). Overview of the Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stranding Network (Erin Fougeres, NMFS Southeast Regional Office). Monitoring Population Dynamics of the Florida Manatee (Leslie Ward, Florida Wildlife Research Institute). Sperm Whale Dive Behaviors Reveal Changes in Benthic Foraging Around Macondo Spill Site (Bruce Mate, Oregon State University). Passive Acoustic Monitoring for Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Mexico (John Hildebrand, Scripps Institution of Oceanography). NMFS Research on Cetacean Abundance, Distribution and Stock Structure in the Gulf of Mexico (Keith Mullin, NMFS Pascagoula Laboratory). Abundance, Distribution, and Stock Structure The Big Picture – Marine Mammals and Threats in the Gulf of Mexico (Laura Engleby, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Southeast Regional Office)Ĭurrent Research and Monitoring Programs I. Overview of Marine Mammal Stocks and Human Activities Welcoming Remarks (Vicki Cornish, Marine Mammal Commission). Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Research and Monitoring Meeting – Summary and Presentations April 7-8, 2015 New Orleans, Louisianaįull meeting program and project descriptions Welcome and Introductions Provisions for Managing Fisheries Interactions. Marine Mammal Commission: An Independent Agency of the U.S.