In the next video she shares the second thing on her Bucket List. Again, she revealed a surprise that only WE, the audience, know now, and she asked me to keep it a secret. During this time someone asked her if she had a Bucket List what would be on it. Susan had spoken for about 45 minutes then went on to answer questions from the audience for another 45 minutes. It is when Susan Turnley presented her with the thank-you gift she showed everyone on her blog. I do have a little clip, though, that I can show you. Your friendship is more important to me than any "scoops" I might have." She had explained that sharing the details of how she discovered Gladys with the audience was her way of thanking us for coming. You know Susan-she felt bad for asking me not to use it on my blog. I wrote her and asked permission to share the part about why Gladys Taber meant so much to her, but she implored me not to use it because she was putting it in her new book and wanted it to appear there first. You can read a little about it here on her Blog. She spoke about how Gladys Taber had affected her life. When Ken drops me off the A Fine Romance van is parked along the curb and Joe Hall is speaking with a gentleman. I have read bits of Gladys Taber's books and enjoyed them, but it is for Susan that I'm here. I joined FOGT just so I could attend their reunion because Susan Branch was their slated speaker. We planned to get home by mid-afternoon so we could celebrate a couple family birthdays and Father's Day. We already had a room here for the night rather than going back to my brothers because it puts us 45 minutes closer to home. He had planned to do his own sightseeing in the area while I spend the day at the Friends of Gladys Taber (FOGT) Reunion at the Crown Plaza. After Ken drives me the 45 minutes to Danbury he's going to call the dealer in Massachusetts to see what's happening with the minivan. I'm hoping his name is a portend of what our day will be like. Their cat, Lucky, has been inadvertently shut in with us and has made his bed next to my hip all night. Day 5 and we wake up in the lower level of my brother's and his wife's house in Cheshire, CT.