
Endless sky cheats pc
Endless sky cheats pc

can be one of: 0 = locked, 1 = unlocked, 2 = hidden, 3 = developerOnly.WorldMapSetVisibility Ĝhanges the visibility of an area on the World Map.UnlockBestiary Unlocks all Bestiary entries.UnlockAllMaps Unlocks all areas on the World Map.UnlockAll Unlocks all containers in the area.Example: ELMSHORE_HIGH_LEVEL, ACT3_HIGH_LEVEL, ACT4_HIGH_LEVEL, PX1_HIGH_LEVEL, PX2_HIGH_LEVEL ToggleScaler ğorces high level scaling.Modifiers from classes, leveling and items will be added to this number. "skill player athletics 6" - will give the player character a base Athletics score of 6). Skill Sets a selected skill of a target to value.Smaller numbers mean more zoomed in, larger numbers mean more zoomed out. SetZoomRange Modifies the zoom range you can reach with the mouse wheel.SetTime Ědvances the game time, the parameter is in milihours (eg.Restğorces rest no matter where you are and no matter what your supplies are.Example: ReputationAddPoints GildedVale Positive 4 For axis, set positive or negative depending if you want to increase or lose reputation. ReputationAddPoints Ědds reputation for the specified faction.Only works with exact internal character designations. RemoveTalent Removes the specified talent or ability from the target character.RemovePlayerMoney ĝecreases player's money by coppers.OpenContainer Opens specified container.Example: OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion 0 8

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The second one stands for what level the companion will be. OpenCharacterCreationNewCompanion The first parameter represents how much it will cost if the player does hire this companion.Note that all worn items and player inventory will be lost.

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OpenCharacterCreationĚllows recreation of the Player character.ManageParty Opens the party management screen.Example: LevelUpSoulbind px1_hunting_bow_stormcaller(Clone). LevelUpSoulbind (Clone)Ědvances a soulbound item to the next level, the item must be bound to a character.FreeRecipesToggleĚllows crafting without having the ingredients.FindCharacter ğinds the proper character designation for use in other commands.can be one of: Minor = 1, Average = 3, Major = 7. can be one of: Benevolent, Cruel, Clever, Stoic, Aggressive, Diplomatic, Passionate, Rational, Honest, Deceptive.DispositionAddPoints Sets the selected disposition to the specified level.can be one of: Easy = 0, Normal = 1, Hard = 2, PathOfTheDamned = 3.Difficulty Ĝhanges the difficulty to the selected level.DealDamage Ğxample: DealDamage NPC_Medreth_Guard_Man 200.CraftingDebugĚdds high amount of all crafting ingredients to stash.Certain companions have different command names compared to their actual name, e.g. (Companions need to follow a syntax of Companion_. "AttributeScore Player Might 18" - will give the player character a base Might score of 18). AttributeScore Set an attribute of a target to value X e.g.

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  • can be one of: North1, North2, South1, South2, East1, East2, West1, West2.
  • Areatransition Teleports the party to the map at.
  • AdvanceTimeByHours Ědvance in-game time by hours.
  • AdjustSecurity Increases or decreases Stronghold security by.
  • AdjustPrestige Increases or decreases Stronghold prestige by.
  • AddToParty Ědds the specified character to your party.
  • AddTalent Grants the player character the given talent.
  • AddItem Ědds items with name to inventory.
  • AddExperienceToLevel Ědds enough experience to reach level.
  • "addability player defender" - will give the player character the Defender ability, also works with talents.

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  • ActivateStronghold Grants access to Stronghold screen (if player hadn't acquired it yet).
  • Iroll20sĚllows you to use all of the commands on this list and disables achievements.
  • Open console by pressing (~) and type one of the following commands: PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle.

    Endless sky cheats pc